Fruits & Vegetables

Photo of Mushrooms Sliced Punnet

Mushrooms Sliced Punnet 200g

$5.99 each

Photo of Mushrooms White Button

Mushrooms White Button

~ $0.26 each ($19.99 per kg)

Photo of Mushrooms White Flat

Mushrooms White Flat

~ $2.36 each ($19.99 per kg)

Photo of Nectarine White or Yellow

Nectarine White or Yellow

~ $2.46 each ($12.99 per kg)

Photo of Okra


~ $0.22 each ($19.99 per kg)

Photo of Onion Brown

Onion Brown

~ $1.20 each ($5.99 per kg)

Photo of Onion Red

Onion Red

~ $2.00 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Onion Spring Each

Onion Spring Each

$3.49 each

Photo of Onion White Salad

Onion White Salad

$2.49 each

Photo of Oranges Easy Peel

Oranges Easy Peel

$8.99 per kg

Photo of Oranges Navel

Oranges Navel

~ $3.37 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Pak Choy Whole Bag Ea

Pak Choy Whole Bag Ea

$4.99 each

Photo of Papaya


~ $12.99 each ($12.99 per kg)

Photo of Papaya Half

Papaya Half

~ $4.50 each ($8.99 per kg)

Photo of Parsnips


~ $3.00 each ($14.99 per kg)

Photo of Passionfruit


$1.49 each

Photo of Peach White or Yellow

Peach White or Yellow

~ $2.60 each ($12.99 per kg)

Photo of Pears Packham/William

Pears Packham/​William

~ $2.48 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Peas Garden Kg

Peas Garden Kg

$25.99 per kg

Photo of Peas Snow Kg

Peas Snow Kg

$29.99 per kg

Photo of Pineapple Each

Pineapple Each

$5.99 each

Photo of Pineapple Half Each

Pineapple Half Each

$3.49 each

Photo of Pineapple Peeled N Cored

Pineapple Peeled N Cored

$11.99 each

Photo of Plums


~ $1.93 each ($13.99 per kg)

Photo of Pomegranates Each

Pomegranates Each

$9.99 each

Photo of Potatoes Cocktail

Potatoes Cocktail

~ $0.40 each ($6.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Desiree

Potatoes Desiree

~ $1.47 each ($5.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Dutch Cream

Potatoes Dutch Cream

~ $0.99 each ($6.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Sweet Gold

Potatoes Sweet Gold

~ $3.24 each ($6.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Sweet Purple

Potatoes Sweet Purple

~ $2.60 each ($7.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Sweet White

Potatoes Sweet White

~ $4.95 each ($8.99 per kg)

Photo of Potatoes Washed

Potatoes Washed

~ $0.98 each ($5.99 per kg)

Photo of Premium Blueberry Punnet

Premium Blueberry Punnet

$6.99 each

Photo of Pumpkin Butternut Cut Half

Pumpkin Butternut Cut Half

~ $3.99 Half ($4.99 per kg)

Photo of Pumpkin Cut Kent 1/4

Pumpkin Cut Kent 1/​4

~ $5.61 Quarter ($4.99 per kg)

Photo of Raddichio Each

Raddichio Each

$7.99 each

Photo of Radish Bunch

Radish Bunch

$3.99 each

Photo of Raspberries

Raspberries 125g

$7.99 each

Photo of Raspberries Special Punnet

Raspberries Special Punnet

$19.99 each

Photo of Rhubarb Bunch

Rhubarb Bunch

$6.49 each

Photo of Rocket Wild Loose Kg

Rocket Wild Loose Kg

$23.99 per kg

Photo of Rockmelon Half Each

Rockmelon Half Each

$4.49 each

Photo of Rockmelon Whole Each

Rockmelon Whole Each

$7.99 each

Photo of Salad Mix Loose

Salad Mix Loose

$19.99 per kg

Photo of Salad Mix Wash N Toss

Salad Mix Wash N Toss 100g

$3.99 each

Photo of Shallots


~ $1.22 each ($19.99 per kg)

Photo of Silverbeet Each

Silverbeet Each

$5.99 each

Photo of Snackables Carrots

Snackables Carrots 250g

$4.99 each

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