Fruits & Vegetables

Photo of Chillies Long Red

Chillies Long Red

~ $0.88 each ($39.99 per kg)

Photo of Chinese Broccoli Pk

Chinese Broccoli Pk

$4.99 each

Photo of Coolibah Salad Mix

Coolibah Salad Mix 100g

$3.29 each

Photo of Corn Baby Pre Pack

Corn Baby Pre Pack 115g

$5.99 each

Photo of Corn Each

Corn Each

$2.99 each

Photo of Cucumber Continental Each

Cucumber Continental Each

$3.99 each

Photo of Cucumbers Baby Pack

Cucumbers Baby Pack 250g

$4.99 each

Photo of Cucumbers Lebanese

Cucumbers Lebanese

~ $1.42 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Curly Kale

Curly Kale

$4.99 each

Photo of Daikon Each

Daikon Each

$4.99 each

Photo of Dates Medjool Fresh Kg

Dates Medjool Fresh Kg

$39.99 per kg

Photo of Dragonfruit


$14.99 each

Photo of Eggplant


~ $5.25 each ($14.99 per kg)

Photo of Fennel Each

Fennel Each

$4.49 each

Photo of Figs Black Kg

Figs Black Kg

~ $5.60 each ($69.99 per kg)

Photo of Fresh Leaf Chives

Fresh Leaf Chives

$6.99 each

Photo of Fresh Leaf Continental Parsley

Fresh Leaf Continental Parsley

$4.99 each

Photo of Fresh Leaf Coriander

Fresh Leaf Coriander

$4.99 each

Photo of Fresh Leaf Rosemary

Fresh Leaf Rosemary

$5.99 each

Photo of Garlic


~ $4.50 each ($44.99 per kg)

Photo of Ghalangal Kg

Ghalangal Kg

$29.99 per kg

Photo of Ginger Kg

Ginger Kg

$49.99 per kg

Photo of Grapefruit


~ $3.19 each ($8.99 per kg)

Photo of Grapefruit Ruby

Grapefruit Ruby

~ $3.16 each ($8.99 per kg)

Photo of Grapes Green Seedless Kg

Grapes Green Seedless Kg

$11.99 per kg

Photo of Grapes Red Seedless Kg

Grapes Red Seedless Kg

$14.99 per kg

Photo of Herbs Basil Each

Herbs Basil Each

$6.99 each

Photo of Herbs Basil Thai Each

Herbs Basil Thai Each

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Bay Leaves

Herbs Bay Leaves

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Chervil Each

Herbs Chervil Each

$3.79 each

Photo of Herbs Curry Leaves

Herbs Curry Leaves

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Dill

Herbs Dill

$4.99 each

Photo of Herbs Lemon Thyme Each

Herbs Lemon Thyme Each

$3.99 each

Photo of Herbs Lime Leaves

Herbs Lime Leaves

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Marjoram Each

Herbs Marjoram Each

$4.99 each

Photo of Herbs Mint

Herbs Mint

$4.99 each

Photo of Herbs Mint Vietnamese Each

Herbs Mint Vietnamese Each

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Oregano

Herbs Oregano

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Parsley Curly Each

Herbs Parsley Curly Each

$4.99 each

Photo of Herbs Sage

Herbs Sage

$5.99 each

Photo of Herbs Tarragon Each

Herbs Tarragon Each

$6.99 each

Photo of Herbs Thyme

Herbs Thyme

$7.99 each

Photo of Honeydew Half Each

Honeydew Half Each

$5.49 each

Photo of Honeydew Whole Each

Honeydew Whole Each

$9.99 each

Photo of Kale Green Each

Kale Green Each

$4.99 each

Photo of Kiwi Fruit Each

Kiwi Fruit Each

$1.99 each

Photo of Kiwi Fruit Gold/Red

Kiwi Fruit Gold/​Red

$3.99 each

Photo of Lamanna & Sons Fresh Cut Papaya Tub

Lamanna & Sons Fresh Cut Papaya Tub

$6.99 each

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