Fruits & Vegetables

Photo of Achacha Kg

Achacha Kg

$44.99 per kg

Photo of Apple Granny Smith

Apple Granny Smith

~ $1.49 each ($7.99 per kg)

Photo of Apple Jazz

Apple Jazz

~ $1.62 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Apple Pink Lady Large

Apple Pink Lady Large

~ $3.01 each ($14.99 per kg)

Photo of Apple Pink Lady Small

Apple Pink Lady Small

~ $1.09 each ($7.99 per kg)

Photo of Apricots Kg

Apricots Kg

~ $3.24 each ($26.99 per kg)

Photo of Asparagus Bunch Ea

Asparagus Bunch Ea

$5.99 each

Photo of Aus Garlic Clove Punnet

Aus Garlic Clove Punnet 150g

$3.99 each

Photo of Avocado Hass - Green, almost ready or ripe

Avocado Hass - Green, almost ready or ripe

$4.99 each

Photo of Baby Cos Twin Pack

Baby Cos Twin Pack

$4.99 each

Photo of Baby Spinach

Baby Spinach 100g

$3.99 each

Photo of Bacon & Egg Muffin

Bacon & Egg Muffin

$9.50 each

Photo of Bananas


~ $1.22 each ($5.99 per kg)

Photo of Bananas Lady Fingers

Bananas Lady Fingers

~ $2.75 each ($16.99 per kg)

Photo of Bean Shoots Pre Pack

Bean Shoots Pre Pack

$5.99 each

Photo of Beans Green Kg

Beans Green Kg

$18.99 per kg

Photo of Beetroot


~ $2.04 each ($5.99 per kg)

Photo of Beetroot Baby Bunch

Beetroot Baby Bunch

$9.99 each

Photo of Black Fungi Mushrooms

Black Fungi Mushrooms 100g

$7.99 each

Photo of Blackberry Punnet

Blackberry Punnet 125g

$6.99 each

Photo of Blueberries Punnet

Blueberries Punnet 125g

$5.99 each

Photo of Broccoli


~ $3.04 each ($7.99 per kg)

Photo of Broccolini Bunch Each

Broccolini Bunch Each

$4.49 each

Photo of Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts

~ $0.63 each ($17.99 per kg)

Photo of Cabbage Full Each

Cabbage Full Each

$14.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Half Each

Cabbage Half Each

$7.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Quarter Each

Cabbage Quarter Each

$4.49 each

Photo of Cabbage Red Half Each

Cabbage Red Half Each

$7.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Red Quarter Each

Cabbage Red Quarter Each

$4.49 each

Photo of Cabbage Savoy Quarter Each

Cabbage Savoy Quarter Each

$2.49 each

Photo of Capsicum Green

Capsicum Green

~ $2.00 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Capsicum Hydro Orange

Capsicum Hydro Orange

~ $3.42 each ($15.99 per kg)

Photo of Capsicum Red Kg

Capsicum Red Kg

~ $3.90 each ($12.99 per kg)

Photo of Capsicums Yellow

Capsicums Yellow

~ $5.00 each ($19.99 per kg)

Photo of Carrots


~ $0.70 each ($3.99 per kg)

Photo of Carrots Dutch Bunch

Carrots Dutch Bunch

$6.99 each

Photo of Carrots Pre Pack

Carrots Pre Pack 1kg

$1.99 each

Photo of Cauliflower Each

Cauliflower Each

$7.99 each

Photo of Cauliflower Half Each

Cauliflower Half Each

$4.99 each

Photo of Celery Half Each

Celery Half Each

$3.49 each

Photo of Celery Sticks Loose

Celery Sticks Loose

~ $0.57 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Celery Whole Each

Celery Whole Each

$5.99 each

Photo of Cherries Kg

Cherries Kg

$49.99 per kg

Photo of Cherry Box Premium

Cherry Box Premium 2kg

$89.99 each

Photo of Chillies Birds Eye

Chillies Birds Eye

~ $0.24 each ($69.99 per kg)

Photo of Chillies Habanero

Chillies Habanero

~ $1.02 each ($59.99 per kg)

Photo of Chillies Jalapeno

Chillies Jalapeno

~ $1.60 each ($39.99 per kg)

Photo of Chillies Long Green

Chillies Long Green

~ $0.48 each ($29.99 per kg)

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